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The Village of Maple and the kids who grew up there

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While the book focuses on the village from the 1950s through the 1970s, there is also a great deal of history contained within it.  The first chapter is entitled "About Town" and includes everything you could find between the signs welcoming you to Maple.  Here you will find stories about the churches, the roads, the merchants, the Community Centre, the mills and more.  

The second chapter is entitled "Beyond the Borders" and provides the reader with information and stories about those places that were outside of town.  Shur-Gain, the airport, Pinecrest Speedway, the drive-in movie theatres, golf courses and Doublerink Arenas are all included in this chapter.

Other chapters include information about the volunteer groups, such as the Maple Lions, the Women's Auxiliary and the fire department.  The book has a chapter dedicated to some of the people from this time period that most kids who grew up there recall.  One chapter answers questions such as "What was the film cave?" and "Why did we take a path through a farmer's field to school?".  

Throughout the book are hundreds of photos, historical information and dozens of stories provided by the kids who grew up in the village. Each chapter includes "Bits and Pieces", that are small factoids that give a further glimpse into what the town was like 60 years ago.